Meeting your weight management goals in a holistic way.

Weight management is a common topic of conversation here in our office–and it’s something that we love working on with patients because the outcome is so rewarding, often resulting in more positive changes than anyone expects.

How do we address weight management?

You'll find that at Madsen Medical, we perform a more thorough review of your health and how it relates to your weight and goals. We aim to partner with and guide our patients along their weight management journey. We are here to be your biggest advocate and your resource!

Some offices may attempt only to administer a monthly shot or pill, but the truth is that weight loss is multi-factorial. Not only should we consider nutritional and exercise habits, but exploring other potential underlying issues such as stress management, hormone health, and gut and adrenal health is necessary. 

Dr. Madsen has worked for over 30 years to help his patients lose weight and maintain that weight loss. Through his experience, he has come to understand and see the benefit of this multi-factorial approach for his patients to experience lasting change. 

What could a weight loss plan include?

Every patient is different. The wonderful thing about weight management with Madsen Medical is that we perform a thorough medical history, labs, and testing that allows us to get a full picture of your health and create a customized plan to help you achieve your desired results. Your plan could include:

Interested in discussing weight management options?